Early Architecture Design Show Melayu Boleh

The history shows that the elements of Malays architecture come out and standing strongly on life philosophy which is based on the strength of belief and the religion. Even though there are some sign of assimilation influence of foreign culture to outside esthetical but it still intact and strong until late of 18 century.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Free download - J-Pop - Full Album - Mika Nakashima - Voice

J-Pop - POP - Full Album - Mika Nakashima - Voice

High-Quality song - High-Quality sound

File Type: .mp3 - 192kbps

Mika Nakashima - Voice, entertainment, interactive, .mp3, full album, J-Pop song

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Quotations Kosmo.com.my

JAKARTA - Maxima Productions film company said famous pornographic actress from Japan, Maria Ozawa will arrive in Jakarta on schedule to undergo filming a movie here although Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) object to the coming actress.

Ozawa calls are more popular with Miyabi will act in a comedy film.

Petikan Kosmo.com.my

JAKARTA – Syarikat filem Maxima Productions menyatakan pelakon lucah terkenal dari Jepun, Maria Ozawa akan tiba di Jakarta mengikut jadual bagi menjalani penggambaran sebuah filem di sini walaupun Majlis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) membantah kedatangan aktres berkenaan.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sukar Lakukan Hubungan Seks Suami Isteri

Malay to English translation
Source: Harian Metro

I aged 26 years and got married a month. The problem is, I do not enjoy during intercourse and this cause I do not get klimaks. I never produce semen since we married.

Recently, when I face new problems as genitalia tense but excited when you'd like along with his wife and when I 'with' a sudden my penis relax again.

I have the desire of the wife but I do not understand why my genitals when to relax together.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010

5 Strategies for Selling in a Tough Market

1. Believe you can and stay positive!

One of the problems with all of this talk about recession is that once people believe there is going to be a recession they start to feel negative about their business prospects and only tend to see what they believe rather than believing what they see. Once you believe that there is going to be a recession you tend to only notice articles, comments and statistics that support your beliefs.
What’s more, your negative beliefs quickly affect your outlook and the way that you feel about your business prospects.
If you thought 2008 was going to be a great year for business, your best year yet; how would you feel?
Conversely, if you thought 2008 was going to see a major recession and that it was going to hit you and your business hard; how would you feel?